
About us

pluriGreen is the green brand of pluriSelect, a german biotechnology company from Leipzig. All beginnings are difficult! It wasn't easy for us to get here. But we want to make the world a little more sustainable. That's why we have started to switch our first plastic products to pure bioplastics and want to offer all our plastic products only in bioplastics by 2027. In this way, we are taking a small step to counteract the flood of waste incineration from laboratories.

pluriSelect + Green = pluriGreen

What contribution can we make to a greener future?

Ecological, economic and social responsibility are one of the pillars of pluriSelect. As the first company in the world to produce cell strainers from pure bioplastics, we see ourselves as a pioneering company to support and promote sustainability in laboratories. Over time, we will convert all pluriSelect plastic products to bioplastics.

Packaging and transportation play an important role in this, and we also pay attention to biomaterials and CO2 neutrality.

External: We offer products made from pure bioplastics with all the required properties. We endeavour to make our packaging and shipping solutions as CO2 neutral as possible.

Internal: 80% of all processes are already digital in order to save as many environmentally harmful resources as possible and we are constantly improving.

Commitment: We plant several hundred trees every year, including five years of maintenance. We actively support national and international environmental studies and corresponding projects with our products.

Environmentally friendly ordering process, shipping and service

Our customer communications and orders are mainly handled digitally. Live chat, telephone and email services help customers and save resources at the same time.

Our packaging and shipping materials are already made almost entirely from recycled paper/cardboard, bioplastics and even the delivery note bags are made from bioplastics. We take care to minimise CO2 emissions during shipping.

DNK - Erklärung

Deutscher Nachhaltigskeitskodex
Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex

Our DNK declaration 2023 can be downloaded here.